Program #9, 6v6 league Individual Players
This is the Seventh year running The Summer Youth 6v6 League.
As most coaches requested, the Summer League will be at in Colts Neck at Bucks Mill & will start on Tuesday June 30th for the younger age group & Thursday June 25th for U14, & up If you have any question, feel free to contact me
Email or call Ben Konate 732-670-5891
6v6 League U8: Starts Tuesday June 30th to August 18th
6v6 League U9 &10: Starts Tuesday June 30th to August 18th,
6v6 League, U11 &12: Starts Tuesday June 30th to August 18th
6v6 League, U13 & 14: Starts Thursday June 25th to August 13th ,
6v6 League, U14 & up: Starts Thursday June 25th to August 13th ,
Games are two 30 minutes halves. 1 game per week between 6:00 & 8:30 PM for 8 weeks.
Individual players can be put on the team with a maximum of 10 players on the team.
Price: $100.00 take 10% off on sibling